First up is Kirsty New. She runs 3 shops on etsy, including a fabulous, colourful Christmas shop which I love! Kirsty's enthusiasm for what she does and crafting in general shines through in all her work and her blog always makes me smile :)

Kirsty J New
Shop Name(s)
PaperFish (my crafty inspirations, badges, bunting, brooches)
SnowFish (Christmas Handmade)
BigFish (colourful supplies)
Shop Link(s)
Rural England on the Northants / Oxfordshire border
Ships To
The entire planet
What do you create?
Anything that pops into my head but i am inspired mainly by my local customers and the lovely brooches / accessories they suggest and comission.
How did you get into your craft?
I was never allowed to take an art or craft class at school because i showed "such little promise"... thank goodnes for my lovely mum who always kept a 'junk box' and paints in the kitchen cupboard and never minded a mess x

Which piece in your shop is your current favourite?
SnowFish - definitely my Christmas Mini-bunting 'Made by Elves' - with spotty fabric and bells
What is the most time consuming part of your craft?
packing parcels, adding customs labels, travelling to the Post Office... but you will never hear me complain about it.
What inspires you?
Colourful and exciting supplies. I love to see what happens when i start to play with colours and fabrics and buttons. I rarely begin with an idea, i usually just sit and play in my art room and wait to see what gets made.
Is this a job for you or a hobby?
A full-time job with a part-time wage! I am a mummy too so that takes up alot of my day. I am lucky that i can fit my love of crafting into earning money and being an 'at home mummy'.

Apart from creating things, what do you do?
Very little else! Business has boomed for me in 2008 and my poor dog has suffered the most with fewer walks and less playtime. 2009, i plan to fit in more walks and some yoga.
Do you have any advice to share on how you have made your business grow?
Work hard at it! It is that simple. I push my days and evenings into the night and i use every spare minute i have to improve my shop or get more sewing completed. You have to make it happen for yourself.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
It is exciting times for KirstyFish enterprises... 2009 sees another new etsy shop. Potentially an independant supplies store from etsy and also the introduction of one or two 'staff'. Get me! who would have thought it when i started to sell a few handmade accessories at my local craft fair?
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