It's January so there is loads of fruit in our house. It's been stockpiled in bowls in an attempt to be healthy and lose that Christmas weight :)
I find these bowls of fruit make very good weights when I am cutting out large pieces of fabric. It stops it sliding onto the floor and driving me mad!
The thing is, if I eat the fruit, what will I use to weigh my fabric down?
So that's why I reach for the chocolate bar, because I must keep those fruit bowls full, for practical reasons.
Do you see my logic?

I'm on a veg drive myself. I'm particularly partial to brussel sprouts and swede mash lately - eating Brit stuff when it's local and in season. I wish there were a lot more interesting squash to buy so my great gardening plan for 2009is to grow amazing, tasty Autumn squashes.
Nice fabric by the way...!!!!
now a butternut squash would make a great fabric weight...
if you get bored of the brussel sprout mash, you could try a fruit & veg box from http://www.riverford.co.uk, all their fruit is imported by boats and they never use air freight :)
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