Are you a keen writer living in the UK? Are you passionate about handmade? Then why not get your creative juices flowing and enter the UK Handmade writing competition!
This is a chance to have your say on a topic that really matters to you - write up to 500 words on any topic which relates to the creative world, include some nice pictures and email it to editor@ukhandmade.co.uk at any time up to Friday 28th May 2010.
The winning article will be published in the Autumn issue of UK Handmade Magazine (due out 1 September 2010), and there will also be an in depth interview with the winner published on the UK Handmade blog. The winner will also receive a free advertising spot in the magazine.
The competition is open to everyone within the UK, so feel free to tell your friends about it - this is a great opportunity to get an article published in one of the fastest growing and widely read online magazines in the handmade community!
Competition Rules:
* Entries can be on any subject as long as they are related in some way to the creative industries.
* Articles should be no longer than 500 words with 2-3 accompanying photos.
* The deadline for submissions is midnight (GMT) on Friday 28th May 2010
* Email submissions only to editor@ukhandmade.co.uk.
* One entry per person.
* Entrants must be resident in the UK.
* The winner will be announced on the blog on Thursday 1st July 2010.
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