
Friday 24 December 2010

One more sleep!!

So, today is Christmas Eve and I've still got presents to wrap and food to sort out - but I'm not really stressing about any of it. Christmas for me is about relaxing and enjoying yourself. We've got a very quiet day planned, just me and my husband, our gorgeous girl and my Mum. We're sure to raise a glass to my late Father, he's always in our thoughts, especially at this time of year.

I've had a fantastic 2010 watching my daughter grow and finding my crafting feet again after the initial shock of early-motherhood! The past few weeks have been pretty hectic sales wise after being featured in an Etsy finds email - there are lots of lavender owls and rabbits winging their way around the globe - hopefully all of them will be in their new homes by Christmas!

So, I just want to wish all my blog readers, customers and twitter followers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

My Etsy and Folksy stores will be closed until 1st January whilst I take a break over the festive period - see you in 2011!!

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