I'm currently working on a feature for UK Handmade, it's due to be published in the Summer Issue, so I'll post a link to it here when the new issue is up and running.
Part of the feature involved a photo shoot in St Werburghs in Bristol. All photos featured here are taken by Jessica, you can see more of her work on Flickr. Her photos will also accompany my feature in the UK Handmade magazine.
St Werburghs is a unique part of Bristol. Just a stones throw from Gloucester Road, which boasts the largest number of independent traders on any one road in the UK.
I love this part of Bristol and there are so many interesting community projects, shops, places to to visit and sights to see...including a pony teathered to a garden gate on a residential street. A few moments later, two girls and their mum casually came out of the house, unteathered the pony and trotted off down the street. Proof that you don't need acres of land and a porsche on the driveway to allow you children to enjoy horse riding.
Once we had finished our photoshoot we popped into The Better Food Company for a cup of tea and a selection of yummy cakes. What better way to round off a day in Bristol?
**Spring Blog Giveaway**
The winner chosen at random for my Spring Giveaway is Jo. She wins over 9 yards of vintage trim and an exclusive 20% discount code to use in my online store. A huge thanks to everyone who took part in the giveaway, it was one of the most popular ones yet...you obviously all love those vintage trims!
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