Just after returning home from hospital after the birth of my baby, I received an email from the team behind the
1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse book to say Pouch would be included in the publication!

I applied way back in January 2009 and was delighted to be picked. Over 7000 images were submitted from designers, crafter and artists from around the world who specialise in working with recycled materials. The author, Garth Johnson, had the hard task of shortlisting the final 1000 images to be included. He describes the book as:
"Quarry recently published my new book, 1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse, which gathers 1000 projects from contemporary crafters, artists and makers from across the globe. Every project in the book reuses materials in a clever way, transforming everyday materials into exciting pieces of fashion, art, jewelry and furniture...After all of the work it took to put the book together, it’s amazing to finally hold a finished copy in my hands. Every page is loaded with exciting ideas that inspire me to create my own repurposing projects..."
I had to wait until January 2010 for the book to be available in the UK. I couldn't wait to get hold of my copy from the
Book Depository. I am so pleased with the results, five images of Pouch items were included. The book has been made to a high spec with colour co-ordinated images grouped together for maximum impact! I recogonised many familiar
Etsy sellers in the book and in particular, members of the
Eco Etsy Team.

Above image contains Pouch Mini Messenger made with repurposed denim and vintage fabric

Above image contains Pouch recycled vintage fabric belt

Above image contains Pouch Messenger bag and Pouch Dilly bag in recycled vintage fabrics

Above image contains Pouch Mini Messenger made with repurposed denim and vintage fabric
I'm so pleased to be a part of this intriguing publication. It gathers together many different ideas into one book and creates a fascinating showcase of recycled arts and crafts.