I am lucky enough to come from a crafty family of knitters and seamstresses!
My Mum can sew almost anything she turns her hand too, my Mother-in-law can crochet amazing blankets, my Auntie can knit fantastic characters and my cousin's wife can follow the most complicated knitting patterns I have ever seen!
They are all happy to make a handmade gift for special occasions and their creations are all so beautiful I wanted to share them here
My baby daughter has received some gorgeous handmade gifts including a group of knitted animals from my Auntie, made up of a koala, a bunny, a pig and a panda. I think the koala is my favourite as I love the ears!

The same Auntie also knitted us a lovely bride and groom when we got married last year, they are so cute!

My cousin's wife knitted our baby the most beautiful blanket, it's really hard to capture the 3-D detail in a photo, but it really is stunning

She also knitted a pretty little mauve cardigan

And, she also knitted us a wedding cake as a gift last year, and yes, I did say wedding cake...

My Mother-in-law made three crochet blankets, this one if my favourite:

My Mum made some Paddinton bear curtains for the nursery, which I blogged about
And finally, I was delighted to receive this gorgeous wall plaque for my baby from Lisa of
Seaurchin. I am lucky enough to have met her via

I love each and every handmade gift that has been made for me, my husband and our baby daughter. There is something very special about they fact someone has taken the time to make a gift for you and I will treasure all of them for a long, long time.