
Friday 12 June 2015

Walking on Wavering Down on the Mendips in Somerset

Last Sunday was the first truly warm day of the Summer. Magoo went to a birthday party at midday. After a couple of hours of running around with her friends she wanted to get the paddling pool out on our return to the house. It was so warm that we decided to eat an early evening meal and then take a walk up on the Mendips, a group of hills a short drive from our house.

When you've been working in the week, sometimes you just get the urge to climb somewhere high and drink in the air and the surroundings. It's good for the soul.

I took my husband for a walk on Crook Peak about six months ago and he was totally blown away with the views. I think he instantly fell in love with the high ridge of hills. It is a special place. When I was a child growing up in Somerset, Wavering Down and Crook Peak were places I often walked with my own Mum and Dad. It's not any easy walk, steep in parts, it climbs to one of the highest points of the Mendips. But the views are reward enough for all your hard effort.

With that in mind, I half thought Magoo might struggle. How wrong I was. She took to the walk with gusto and set the pace walking out ahead, stick in hand.

You first enter King's Wood, a dense area of trees, regularly used by mountain bikers who have worn a roller coaster track through the undergrowth. Amongst the trees are dens constructed possibly by walkers, other families or maybe even the Gruffalo. Whoever made them, they are a great place to play.

It is a beautiful, ancient woodland with masses of old, twisted trees. All we could hear was the sound of birds singing and calling to each other. Such a magical place.

As you walk out through the woodland you emerge out onto Wavering Down and catch your first glimpse of the stunning view. In the near distance is Cheddar Reservoir with the grey limestone rock faces of Cheddar Gorge peeking around the corner of the hills. Off in the distance lie the Somerset Levels and Glastonbury Tor.

One more steep push up Wavering Down leads you to the trig point at the top. At 692 feet, the trig point makes you feel like you are on top of the world. This feeling is helped by the flatness of the surrounding levels. The view takes in Exmoor, the Quantocks, Wales, the Bristol Channel and the Dorset hills way off in the distance.

We had come prepared with juice and victoria sponge cake, the perfect reward after all the climbing. It was an unusually calm and warm evening. Usually there is a biting wind blowing across the Mendips. The last time we were there in November it felt like the wind was going to peel the skin off my face. But on this night it was beautifully warm with only a gentle breeze. It really is one of the best places for a picnic.

There was even a lone-cow chewing the cud and taking in the view a few feet away from us. She seemed incredibly chilled, which is understandable on such a balmy, tranquil evening.

I'm really proud of Magoo, she faced the walk head-on and made it to the top without losing any enthusiasm. In fact, she said she loved it and wanted to do it again...soon. I couldn't agree more.

This week I'm linking up with these lovely blogs:

#countrykids over on

#ordinarymoments on

My Best Post of the Week #MBPW over on

Point + Shoot over on


  1. What a beautiful place for a walk and those views are just stunning. Well done to Magoo for taking it all in her stride (no pun intended!) and being so enthusiastic about it.

  2. We love the Mendips. Your photos are beautiful. Good for Magoo for not being put off by the walk.#CountryKids

  3. What fabulous views, well worth the trek up. Well done to Magoo, I can see lots of fantastic walks coming in the future.

  4. I used to walk those hills with my parents as a child too, I can only just remember it but i do remember my parents marvelling at the view and me going on Dad's shoulders part of the way. Looking at your photos I can see the beauty myself now with adult eyes. Well done Magoo, no carrying for you! A lovely way to end a summer's day. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

  5. Ahh.. we love that walk! Thanks for taking me back to my west country roots. It's a great on for kids isn't it? Well done Magoo for making it! #countrykids

  6. Mendips looks absolutely stunning, and you are so lucky to have all this natural beauty on your doorstep. I've never really explored this area but will definitely be checking it out in the future. Love how you all enjoyed some victoria sponge, too. I totally agree that a walk is good for the soul/ #CountryKids

  7. thanks for all your lovely comments, we are very lucky to have this walk on our doorstep & it's best to get out there & make the most of it!

  8. Such beautiful views! It must be so lovely to live so close to somewhere so magical! I live in the Fens where it is all flat land and I long to have views like those! xx

  9. Sounds like a lovely walk and a great adventure, it looks beautiful! x

  10. I love that you bought cake- what a good idea and looks delicious. It looks like a great adventure and beautiful photos! x

  11. Wow what a totally gorgeous place. Such lovely pictures of a perfect day out. Thanks for linking up to #PointShoot x
